Saturday, January 23, 2010

Math stuff...

Show of hands, who wants to meander around the internet reading blogs rather than grading papers? That would be me right now! I realize now how people can lose so much time just wandering around the net. So I started on this great math blog that someone else had posted, from there I just started blog jumping until I got to another site that was math teachers at play. While I’m not sure what I’m going to do with this information in my class I figure if I keep looking at different blogs including this one I’ll be able to get some great ideas to use in my classroom. And since I try to be a nice person to the people I work with I figure I can share what I’m finding with my colleagues.


  1. You and Megan think alike! You both found the same blog, f(t). As I told her, there is a lot of useful information there. I especially enjoyed The Answer is Not the Answer post.

  2. Lisa,
    I can understand the feeling. I have been searching and before I knew it a few hours had gone by. Your Blog is looking great.

  3. Yes, reading blogs is definitely addictive. I started with about 5 subscriptions in Google Reader a year and a half ago... now I have over 50 and can never keep up. But whenever I find time to read, I always feel like I am learning so much!
